Hello and thank you for the thougtful article. I am a cis queer man attracted to men. I make a distinction in my mind between cis men and trans men, as I do cis and trans women. This helps me frame what I know their life experience to be to a certain extent, not the details but in general. Is it considered appropriate to make such a distinction? I consider trans and cis women to be women, but knowing someone is a trans woman informs my view of them as to what their expected life experience has been like as opposed to a cis woman, whose life experience would have been somewhat different. I assume the same is true of trans men in relation to myself: while we're all men, my experience being AMAB and having that align with my gender identity is far different than a man AFAB. Are trans people generally (I know they aren't of a hive mind) on board with this distinction being made, or is it frowned upon?